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Lea Manor High School


Curriculum Intent

“The curriculum sets out the aims of a programme of education. It also sets out the structure for those aims to be implemented, including the knowledge and skills to be gained at each stage. It enables the evaluation of pupils’ knowledge and skills against those expectations.”  Ofsted 2022 

Curriculum Intent

Our school’s curriculum has been designed to meet the needs and abilities of children and families whom we serve. Our mission statement is to meet their needs and aspirations, to Lea Manor learners, who are equipped with the qualifications, knowledge and skills to make lifelong choices.  

We see the curriculum as the broad mix of all the experiences gained by our pupils, including pastoral time, assembly, citizenship, daily lessons, trips and visits and other extracurricular experiences.   

We are uncompromising in our belief that there are ‘no shortcuts to success’ and we are dedicated to ensuring the academic, social and emotional progress and achievement of all our pupils.    


We are committed to developing these key skills for all our learners; 

  • Pupils are resilient so that they are ambitious and courageous in embracing change and challenges. 
  • Pupils are responsible by aspiring to be the best that they can be and being accountable for their actions.
  • Pupils are respectful regarding the beliefs and needs of our school community and endeavour to be calm, considerate and compassionate. 
  • Pupils are reflective by using feedback as motivation to improve and considering the ideas of others.
  • Pupils are resourceful by engaging fully in learning, being equipped, punctual and actively engages.  


The curriculum at Lea Manor will also enable pupils to; 

  • Develop subject substantive and disciplinary knowledge so that they are able to know more, remember more and to do more
  • Be aspirational in their actions
  • Think deeply and critically
  • Have high expectations in the way they conduct themselves and for their attendance
  • Take pride in their appearance and community  – our pupils are Lea Manor pupils all day and everyday
  • Have tailor-made experiences (right for the individual, flexible, responsive, progressive) 
  • Experience enrichment activities that develop personal abilities and cultural capital (Extra and Super Curriculum Activities)
  • Become active citizens who can live in the modern world and who are prepared for their futures (mental health, social media, PSHE, current affairs, careers, life in modern Britain) 
Key Stage 3 Intent
  • Aspiration for all   
  • Stretch and challenge for all 
  • Mastery of knowledge – depth over breadth   
  • Literacy and numeracy acceleration   
  • Instilling our core values – Resilience, Responsibility, Respect, Resourcefulness and Reflection
  • Broad academic experience and wide range of subjects – preparing pupils for GCSE
  • A development of learning strategies to aid the long-term retention of knowledge 
  • All pupils study Religious Education allowing a development of understanding in the Church of England and other Christian denominations and world religions
  • An individualised curriculum that has strong support for the ‘creative curriculum’ through the arts, design technology, PE
  • High importance given to our RSE, PSHE, Citizenship curriculum through our Tutor Time Programme and Personal Development Days
  • Contemporary issues - social media, mental health, healthy lifestyles, life in modern Britain 
  • Preparing pupils for their next steps – careers, enterprise and education advice 
  • Cultural capital through our extra-curricular and super curricular offer such as trips and visits, school teams, clubs, 


See subject specific curriculum intent overviews   

Key Stage 4 Intent
  • Aspiration for all 
  • Stretch and challenge for all 
  • Broad range of academic opportunities (three GCSE options)
  • An individualised programme of study to enable pupils to progress on to the right 16-19 programme of study or apprenticeship
  • Reaffirming our core values Resilience, Responsibility, Respect, Resourcefulness and Reflection
  • Continued focus on importance of Maths, English and Science. 
  • Strong support for the ‘creative curriculum’ including Food Technology and the Arts 
  • All pupils study Religious Education allowing a development of understanding in the Church of England and other Christian denominations and world religions
  • High importance given to our RSE, PSHE, Citizenship curriculum’ through our Tutor Time Programme and Personal Development Days.
  • Contemporary issues - social media, mental health, healthy lifestyles, life in modern Britain
  • Focus on strategies for successful learning – memory, practice, revision, habitual behaviour, revision and retention of knowledge 
  • Cultural Capital through our extra-curricular such as trips and visits, school teams, clubs, arts and drama opportunities
  • Opportunities to develop employability skills through work experiences, careers curriculum and volunteering within school 
  • Preparing pupils for their next steps – careers, education advice, work with external 16-19 programme providers and apprenticeships 


See subject specific curriculum intent overviews   

Curriculum Implementation

Our curriculum intent is successfully translated into practice through:  


Curriculum Experiences:   

  • Daily lessons 
  • Assemblies – embedding our core values and successfully enriching our pupils morally, personally, spiritually and academically
  • Registration and pastoral tutor time   
  • Personal Development Education which explores issues of citizenship, RSE, PSHE, healthy lifestyles, British values, careers education
  • Successful Learning and Tutorial sessions – allowing us to enhance agency, growth mind-set and study skills (along with ethos and values) 
  • Extra-curricular offer – with weekly opportunities at lunch and after school and additional opportunities outside school (trips and events) 
  • Our Pastoral Support Team enables pupils to have personal needs catered for to ensure all pupils can flourish 


Policy into Practice:  

  • Quality First Teaching: strategies used across all curriculum areas to add stretch and challenge in all Key Stages 
  • Behaviour for Learning policy: helps us instil excellent standards of behaviour and agency across the curriculum. Promotes the conditions for successful curriculum delivery as every teacher can teach and every child has the opportunity to learn 
  • Assessment and Feedback policy: (whole school and department) – supporting successful assessment of curriculum delivery and feedback to pupils   
  • Assessment practices: including formal assessment check points (PPE and assessment weeks) to inform early intervention and the closing of gaps
  • Teaching and Learning policy: encouraging pedagogical practices that allow for deep learning, deep thinking, memory/retention, application and practice 
  • Curriculum maps, long term, and mid-term plans: allowing teachers to know the core knowledge and skills to be taught and to follow a common assessment routine
  • Literacy and numeracy statement: documenting strategies used to accelerate learning for pupils below 100 in Year 7, encouraging accelerated access to the curriculum 
  • Department meetings and Teaching & Learning Communities: focus on curriculum and pedagogy 
  • Pupil Premium strategy: documenting the actions we take to encourage curriculum access for all of our disadvantaged pupils
  • Local SEND offer: improving curriculum access for SEN pupils   
  • Curriculum Review: updated every year to ensure coverage of relevant, contemporary issues 
  • Communication of whole school focuses: boys, Pupil Premium and more-able – ensuring curriculum delivery is sharp and tailored in these areas 
  • Year 9 options: pupils are guided towards informed choices so that they access the right elements of the curriculum 
  • Year 11 options and transition: pupils are guided towards informed choices so that they access the right elements of the curriculum and the right 16-19 study programme
  • Fortnightly subject leader meetings with SLT, to retain sharp focus on broad (whole school) and department specific curriculum intentions 
Curriculum Impact

Curriculum impact is assessed in the following ways:   

  • Student outcomes  
  • Disadvantaged tracking   
  • SEN tracking   
  • Learning walks and Lesson monitoring   
  • Work scrutiny (including student voice)  
  • Student engagement in the curriculum (attitude to learning and behaviour tracking)  
  • Report data   
  • Meeting minutes (Department and Year Team) and line management meetings with subject leaders  
  • Uptake at KS4  
  • Extra-curricular attendance   


Evidence shows impact to be strong, with:  

  • Excellent outcomes at GCSE and A level  
  • Pathways evidence post 16 and 18   
  • Excellent behaviour for learning evident across the curriculum  
  • Flourishing in the creative subjects – uptake and outcomes (Technology and the Arts)  
  • Acceleration of numeracy and literacy in Year 7   
  • Young people who understand their value and the value of others  
  • Minor evidence of bullying across school, picked up efficiently and dealt with  


Continued areas of focus:   

  • Embedding a curriculum that enables pupils ‘to know and remember more’ 
  • Improving outcomes for all pupils 
  • Ensuring the curriculum is accessible and engaging for our disadvantaged pupils and SEND 
  • Pathways – ensuring we have the right offer at KS4 including Ebacc uptake  
  • Embedding stretch and challenge across the curriculum   

If you would like to find out more about our Curriculum that is not outlined on the website, please email learning@leamanorhighschool.org 

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